Double Baby Stroller- Side by Side

Double Baby Stroller- Side by Side

There are two types of double baby stroller. There is the tandem which is one seat in front of the other and the side by side. I reviewed the tandem on another page.

The side by side is more maneuverable than the tandem but of course it’s wider which can be somewhat of a problem if you’re trying to navigate a tight supermarket aisle or other narrow area.

The Graco Twin IPO Stroller reaches a balance between features and price. My intent of this blog is to give choices but primarily to review and recommend strollers that have great features but also are not too expensive.

Graco Twin IPO Stroller in Navarro

This double baby stroller is a very compact and durable choice. It will fit two children that weigh up to 50 pounds each.

Both seats have multiple positions so your baby can recline and really rest if it’s nap time. The canopy has a peek-a-boo window and a tinted sun visor.

The front swivel wheels are lockable and ride smoothly. It has an easily convertible 3 and 5 point harness.

One user review I read stated that “the Graco Twin IPO is a great double baby stroller choice. This stroller is just as good as the Maclaren double for a lot less money. It folds very easily and is lightweight.”

The only negative this reviewer had was that one of the two hooks that keeps it closed when folded broke off but did say that it may have been due to not closing it properly before boarding an airplane.

Check the Graco Twin IPO double baby stroller out by clicking the following link. You can read more reviews and see why I feel this is a great double baby stroller.

Graco Twin IPO Stroller in Navarro