Double Baby Stroller- Tandem

Double Baby Stroller- Tandem

A tandem double baby stroller is a double baby stroller with one seat behind the other. I also wrote a review of the twin double baby stroller which has one seat next to the other. That review is on another page.

I reviewed many of the top tandem strollers and settled on a great budget model. Consumer Search ranked the Graco DuoGlider highly based on parent feedback, tests they completed and price.

First both the front and rear seats are compatible with SnugRide and Infant SafeSeat car seats. Both of these seats have multiple position reclining when the kids get tired.

It fits nicely down super market aisles and through doors with no problem. This is definitely an issue to consider when debating on the tandem-double baby stroller or twin side by side double baby stroller.

This model also features a parent storage tray with 2 cup holders to make sure your drinks and keys are easily at hand. Folding is a little tricky at first but once you figure it out, you can fold the unit with one hand.

The canopies can be adjusted for shading and front canopy is removable for better viewing. The rear canopy features a peek-a-boo window that allows you to see your baby at all times.

Both seats have a 3-point harness that keeps both of the kids safe and secure. The rear seat is elevated so that the rear baby gets a view too.

A review that I just read states: I love this stroller! It’s light weight for a double baby stroller and pushes and turns easily. It’s easy to fold up and it has a great price. This is a great choice.

Visit Amazon here to check out this stroller now: Graco DuoGlider Stroller